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Migrant Workers at the Margins

About This Project


Exploring the intersection of technology, access to information, and human rights for migrant workers in India, the Society for Labour and Development and HELM Studio hosted a panel discussion: ‘Migrant Workers at the Margins: Labour, Urbanisation, and Citizenship Rights in India.

The exhibition and panel discussion launched a series of digital tools that aim to inform migrant workers about their rights and project their voices and experiences to inform research and policy. This includes Mazdooran ke Haq, a Hindi-language suite of animated training tools on rights at work, the Lockstitch Lives: Migrants in the Megacity interactive documentary, and the Interstate Migration Alliance website and information hub.

Through the use of photography, video, and interactive technology, including 360-degree virtual tours, tablet-based learning tools and collated online resources this event endeavours to create a space for understanding, reflection, and action on urgent social issues relating to migrant workers’ rights.


Panelists include:

Moderator: Anannya Bhattacharjee, Garment and Allied Workers Union (GAWU)
Igor Bosc, International Labour Organisation
Santosh Prajapati, Nari Shakti Manch (NSM)
Ashim Roy, New Trade Union Initiative (NTUI)
Simran Sachdev, Human Rights Lawyer and member of Nazdeek


Guests of Honor: Stefan Mentschel and Rajiv Kumar


This programme has been supported by Rosa Luxemberg Stiftung.



The Interstate Migration Alliance (IMA) links workers’ struggles in high migration source and destination areas through a network of Migrant Rights Centres (MRCs). By 2016, the Interstate Migration Alliance established MRCs in Gurgaon, Haryana; Katihar, Bihar; Ranchi, Jharkhand; and Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. With the MRCs as their nodal hubs, the IMA facilitates cross learning between partners; and collaboration on the local, state and national-level to inform just migration policy and practices. This integrated rural-urban approach provides a unique opportunity to address rights abuses associated with uneven development, rural displacement, rising migration, urban poverty and concentration of migrant workers in the informal labour sector where they are particularly vulnerable to abuses of rights atwork.

Mazdooran Ke Haq : ICT Training Tools Investing in the leadership of migrant workers, with an emphasis on women workers, this training tool, designed for basic tablets, can be used by Interstate Migration Alliance partners within Migrant Resource Centres (MRCs) and within the field to provide engaging, interactive training on rights at work. For factory-based workers, content- modules include training on theSexual Harassment at Workplace Act, freedom of association, global supply chains, occupational health and safety, wages and hours and rights and entitlements.

Lockstitch Lives: Migrants and the Megacity, this 360-degree interactive documentary transports the user to the neighbourhoods of Gurgaon. Using 360-degree video, multimedia interactive images, photography and video, Lockstitch Lives provides deep insight into living and working conditions of migrant workers employed in thegarment and domestic work sector in the Delhi, National Capital Region.


23rd-24th August 2017 | India Habitat Centre – Experimental Arts Gallery

Panel Discussion 6:30pm – 8pm, 23rd August 2017 | Exhibition 10am – 8pm
